17 months now..

Created by Misty 12 years ago
You been got alot longer than we had you, but forever you will be missed! The passed year and a half has not been easy at all.. I have prayed, cried and about lost my mind! Without the support of a few great friends and my girls there is no way I coulda made it a day. There has been so many down, way more than ups I have held on at times by a thread. I try not to focus on the bad points and focus on the fact that I had a beautiful son for 2 months! Noone prepares you for the worst possible thing that could ever happen to a mother. Mainly cause there is no words to explain, its just unhuman, unreal! I have changed in every sense of the word but my love for NaKeithan never has! He brought a life to me that I could only dream of. He was the perfect baby! I can honestly say I enjoyed every moment I had with him. Im not "better" or ever will be "normal" to others cause I carry a pain that some hold but noone understands. But I will life out my days being a mother he and the girls can be proud of. I think of him every second of every day!